We have a new member as well , welcome to Jayson Renouf who has an EK , an FC and a Vespa , hope to see you soon on a cruise Jayson !
April we have another busy start , we have a General Meeting on April 2 , usual time and place, 1PM at 8 Cusack Rd , Malaga for a BBQ lunch and 2PM for the meeting , then the following day April 3 is the Curtin Radio Classic Car Spectacular at Trinity Playing fields in Waterford. This kicks off at 10 , we need to be in and parked up before then so we will meet up at Muzz Buzz in Cannington which is opposite the Shannon sbuilding where we meet fairly regularly from 8:30AM - Val will be ringing the bell at 9 and we will cruise to the show and park up. Will have the gazebos, BBQ, eskies full of cool drinks etc as usual so we can settle in and talk rubbish all day Muzz Buzz address is 1505A Albany Hwy for those of you who navigate via google maps or whatever.We have already pre entered for the Curtin Show so there is no need to worry about that.
Looks like summers over so get them out of the shed now its not too hot and put some miles on them before it gets too cold and wet !!
At the general meeting we will be discussing the Nationals run , who is going , and how they are getting there and back . There are 4 WA entries so far , Trev and Karen are just about to enter - aren't you Trev ?????