Friday night BBQ and pissup

Club Runs, meetings and other news for fans of FBs & EKs in W.A

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Friday night BBQ and pissup

Post by Blacky »

Bit of short notice but Lindsay McCann is in town for a few days in preparation for Janessa and himself returning to Perth to live after a couple of years in Alice Springs . we are going to have a barbecue and get together at our house on Friday evening and we are inviting all club members who would like to come along and catch up to join in the fun.

The address for those of you who haven't been here before is PM ME , we will kick things off around 6PM , food and cool drinks supplied, BYO booze if you plan on a few adult cordials.

Kind Regards , Blacky and Shahni.
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
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