Awesome Blacky that’ll help out heaps- I can’t even find on mine where the distribution block was mountedBlacky wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:50 pm There's no engine in mine at the moment Melly, I will send you some pics tonight.
Melly's EK wag find
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Distribution block sits here -

Brake line goes here -

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Brake line goes here -

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I started with nothing and still have most of it left.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Cheers Blacky
can make the distribution block work but those rigid to flex line brackets are gone. Front mounted calibres so will have to work out another bracket setup and butcher some more welding. The wiring is coming along well and been trying to tackle some of the little things that need doing. As I said, my welding is shit but I can still use fibreglass quick rub back and another coat of paint should be good. Had a crack at some ally work too see what it looks like when I do the final install and get the protective sheet off then decide whether to paint it or not
Have a good weekend- Enjoy the Dunn run for those in west oz able to go
Cheers melly
Have a good weekend- Enjoy the Dunn run for those in west oz able to go
Cheers melly
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Nice work there melly
FB ute fixer upper, EK van on rotisserie

FB ute fixer upper, EK van on rotisserie
getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
EK van on rotisserie
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Looking good Melly
Member of WA FB/EK Car Club
Frankenstein EK V6 Ute
The Reverend FB Station Wagon Project
1950's Commer Light Truck (2.5 Ton)
Frankenstein EK V6 Ute
The Reverend FB Station Wagon Project
1950's Commer Light Truck (2.5 Ton)
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Been trying to make the most of old mates shed and hoist with the new wiring now done bar a few final terminations like rear overrider lights, horn and things like that.
Will make a few minor adjustments to routing and clamp them down when I’ve got all the bits in. As usual found several bits and pieces missing- like no unions in booster. Will do a run to the brake shop and get all the missing stuff and overhaul/ replacement parts soon.
Have a good weekend everyone, cheers
Also made a bit of progress on running brake lines, then ran out of bundy after stuffing a couple of flares n bends. new battery cable…Will make a few minor adjustments to routing and clamp them down when I’ve got all the bits in. As usual found several bits and pieces missing- like no unions in booster. Will do a run to the brake shop and get all the missing stuff and overhaul/ replacement parts soon.
Have a good weekend everyone, cheers
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Looking good melly
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
EK van on rotisserie
Re: Melly's EK wag find
You might want to clamp the brake lines to the body while the guards are off Melly, the rego bloke wont like the pipes being unsupported for that distance
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Silly question. Is that copper pipe you using for the brakes ? Or is it copper plated steel bundy tube ?
I don't know what the rules are in Sth Aust, but in NSW, copper pipe for brakes is illegal.
Dr Terry
I don't know what the rules are in Sth Aust, but in NSW, copper pipe for brakes is illegal.
Dr Terry
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Starting to look great Melly.
Is this the trial fit up of everything and then pulling engine etc to put some paint on things and clean up parts
Mate with your headers you may want to get them ceramic coated.
Is this the trial fit up of everything and then pulling engine etc to put some paint on things and clean up parts
Mate with your headers you may want to get them ceramic coated.
Member of WA FB/EK Car Club
Frankenstein EK V6 Ute
The Reverend FB Station Wagon Project
1950's Commer Light Truck (2.5 Ton)
Frankenstein EK V6 Ute
The Reverend FB Station Wagon Project
1950's Commer Light Truck (2.5 Ton)
Re: Melly's EK wag find
Thanks guys… yep still mocking up Neil then everything back out. Think I have got it to a point where most of the missing bits have been identified (think I’ve said that before) but I’m sure I’ll find more on the way. I’ve got some welding and stuff to do, finish brakes then when I finally get to panel and paint it will be rolled into the shop empty. It’s copper coated steel Dr Terry, not the gear I thought I ordered from eBay with the flaring kit and stuff but… still trying to work final lay then I’ll clamp it down Blacky. Had a look at the dot site and can’t seem to find a spec on distance, but as Harv mentioned I’m thinking around every 8 or so inches with a p-clip?
Cheers melly
Cheers melly
Re: Melly's EK wag find
300mm between clips for fuel in NSW I belive. Also to be restrained to prevent movement where there is a change in direction or potential rubbing.
VSB14 sectin LG is the fuel line reg. This just says they must be steel tubing and adequately supported so as not to chafe, and must be protected where exposed to road debri. As far as I can recall there is no set distance between supports.
VSB14 sectin LG is the fuel line reg. This just says they must be steel tubing and adequately supported so as not to chafe, and must be protected where exposed to road debri. As far as I can recall there is no set distance between supports.
Sucker for a rusty bomb