October general meeting

Club Runs, meetings and other news for fans of FBs & EKs in W.A

Moderators: reidy, Blacky, WA Mod

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October general meeting

Post by Blacky »

Just a quick reminder that this Saturday is our October general meeting at the clubrooms in Cusack Rd, Malaga.

Usual deal , kickoff at 1 with a barbecue and cool drinks supplied by the club and a meeting at 2.

We will talk about the upcoming all Holden day , our annual Dunn run and the Christmas party during the meeting and all sorts of rubbish before and after it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope to see you there !!

Kind Regards, your everlovin' committee
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

Foundation member #61 of FB/EK Holden club of W.A.
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