I machined out the locating hole in the rubber a bit and swapped them to above the blocks.
Quick test drive, clunking on shifting up and down between first and second had returned. Time for another look underneath and possibly reinstall spacers.
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getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
Definitely need the spacers. No more clunking. No vibrations. Definitely tracks better at 100kmh now.
Sits nicer too. Slight rubbing inside passenger rear wheel on articulated right turns. Driver side less so. Just rubbing the raised white lettering off.
Just need to re-fit the 3mm spacers.
Ready for all Holden day.
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getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
The special whizzed through the second inspection. Straight to “Service” SA and registered on the old RAR-361 plates from the ute. Now to change the plates and send the old ones back to Trevor.
The process has taken almost 3 months!
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getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
I cannot believe this. The car is registered in joint names, but they will only use the first listed name on correspondence and issued documentation,Every piece of documentation I completed, I listed Elle’s name first, but no…..
She will not be happy! I’m going to have to go back and sort it out
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getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie
Yeah, yeah. Picked up a steering box brace from the PO today. I’ve got to replace the drivers door trim backing card as the clips are all broken off. Anyway I need to take them off and fish oil inside the doors, and the sills, so I won’t have to be fixing rust and painting in future.
FB ute fixer upper, EK van on rotisserie
getting my FB ute on the road
EK van on rotisserie