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Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:14 am
by wot179
If you dont use the wire on a regular basis, take it out of the machine and seal it in a plastic bag with the sachel of silica garanules that it originally comes packaged with.
Then stick it back in its original box and store it away in a dry place.

Or if you are lazy,like me,chuck an old t shirt over the roll inside the machine and chuck the silica granules inside the machine near the wire somewhere.

It works for me.

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:17 am
by vmx-mxr

Anyone using a blaster - DO NOT USE SAND !!! Sand is banned in most if not all circumstances due to a charming dust disease called silicosis (Google it). You can also expose yourself to silica particles dry cutting sandstone and similar exposure. Even when using garnet wear a minimum P2 dust mask as you are otherwise going to inhale anything from road grime and rust to paint paint particles. Lungs are designed to inhale air - not much else.

Garnet (120 mesh - fine) is the go for edge and crevice work, and with some old sheets or cheapo plastic drop sheets you can retrieve a lot to reuse.

Have had a Rupes orbital for years that makes panel work a breeze.

Dave Mac :D

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:25 am
by bootlegger
SunnyTim wrote:Yep have had a gas bottle for years but if you don't use it the rent is high and the wire goes rusty in a few weeks but I just think it is time to make the switch back :thumbsdown:
I have used paint stripper and orbitals in the past, but everyone seems to rave about these stip discs (heaps quicker?)
Tim i use paint strippe and a stripper disc. They are fantastic. There are two types. A black one which is softerand more flexible and a purple on which is hard and stiff and lasts longer. I think i prefer the black ones even though they dont last as long.
Also those retractable blade holder are useless. I have another type that screws together. I dont remember where i got it from.
Dont forget to wash the panel down with lots of water after striping to neutralise the reaction.
Sandblasting seems to just wrecklarge panels. I dont know about the other methods.
Ive had problems also with the dipping stripping methods. One with the coating they put on to prevent it from rusting again and rust problems later on due to everything including sealers etc getting removed.

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:24 pm
by Mick
SunnyTim wrote:Yep have had a gas bottle for years but if you don't use it the rent is high and the wire goes rusty in a few weeks but I just think it is time to make the switch back :thumbsdown:
I have used paint stripper and orbitals in the past, but everyone seems to rave about these stip discs (heaps quicker?)
yeah my gas bottle i think will soon be returned (when it runs out) $165 a year just to have a bottle sit in my shed with VERY little use is starting to suck :thumbsdown:

as to paint stripper etc i first got onto the strip discs when i had a '63 chev i don't know what the f#%k it was painted in but paint stripper, 36 grit on sanders etc wouldn't touch the paint and i got onto these strip discs and never looked back :thumbsup:

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:08 pm
by parisian62
Opening up all that NOS would have been cool.
well I have walked away from welding for a while until I get my nerve back again
I've had to do that a lot... :)

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:34 pm
by Brian Westlake
Tim didn't swear. He kept his head! His Mig MAY end up as roadside pickup fodder though, if it doesn't get it's shit together. Also, he's doing a Great job on that black car, and the front end looks better than new with all that N.O.S. Dufor stuff everywhere. Thanks for those yellow coils. My FB will be down with the snakes.
Tony Tie Rod End.

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:35 am
by Marty K Bird
Were the lower uppers tricky to fit?? :P :D

Looks great!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:46 am
by John
Looking very nice 8) 8) 8)

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:03 am
by space ace
Lower uppers :shock: :lol:

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:35 am
by bootlegger
Whats the trick to not getting hurt working in bare feet or thongs on. Everytime i walk into the shed like that i walk out hurt.
Another skill that amazes me is mowing the grass or whipper snipping with bare feet or thongs.

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:15 am
by Marty K Bird
Great to hear you got your mojo back and have got back into it!

I had my first go on a mig for many years yesterday welding up holes in an exhaust off my dads old hilux ute. Damn thing was paper thin and a real challenge ....worked out I still have lots of arc welding tendacies like pulling back after I strike an arc it done in the end.

Looking forward to further updates

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:57 am
by bootlegger
Well i guess you must be a great dancer by now lol. I just figure if im worrying about getting hurt its gonna take twice as long to get the job done.
Nice work tim.

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:12 pm
by searsy
I had my first go at a gas mig a couple of weeks ago and was very pleased with the results
Must say I was fortunate the owner of the welder set it for me just perfect

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:26 pm
by Mick
SunnyTim wrote:
bootlegger wrote:Whats the trick to not getting hurt working in bare feet or thongs on. Everytime i walk into the shed like that i walk out hurt.
Another skill that amazes me is mowing the grass or whipper snipping with bare feet or thongs.
yep I mow and whipper snip in bare feet too :oops: someone was laughing at my dance moves while welding yesterday as gassless wire spits a fair bit.....
yep shoes are for girls :wink: :lol: nek minnit :oops: :lol: but so far so good :thumbsup: mowing lawns i also have the added bonus of contending with snakes and still ne shoes :lol: also worked in a foundry for years pouring molten metal NO shoes :esurprised: :lol:

Re: SunnyTim's Nitro Factory Black FB 215

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:46 pm
by bootlegger
Tim come over for a bbq or something like that. Just about got my workshop set up. Cant wait to get it done. The heat is killing me.